Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Greeting Cards

Made these greeting cards out of two pieces of 8 1/2 x 11" cardstock- one in basic cardstock and one in a homemade-like white with specks. Also I used two sparkly pieces of scrapbook specialty paper that doesn't shed glitter (amazing). I used modpodge to glue the white paper inside the brown and to glue the flags on the celebrate card. I used "krazy" glue (basically superglue) to glue the candles into circles (had to let those sit pinched together by clothespins for ten minutes to get it to hold). Then I used  a Glue Pen (yeah a ballpoint pen that's ink is glue) to write "Celebrate" and "Make A Wish". I drew a flame shape on a piece of scrap cardstock and then cut it to out, leaving its shape in the cardstock. I used that to then lay on the paper and carefully smudge mod podge inside it to make the flames for the candles. I used glitter on the words and flames. Pretty cute right?  Fun Tuesday project. 

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